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A fairy tale of the dream  

Dreams are the foremost  part of the subconsciousness in any mind, even in the most severe form. They come with a sign of uncertainty and fear.

The undesired sense of fear and uncertainty mold in a dream. It has a deep impact on humans and humanity. Though they are an amalgamation of continuous mental exercise and real-life exposures. If something unusual occurs or expecting to, in the nearby future, it sometimes projects its trailer in dreamy form.

Unlike Movies or any other interactive video, dreams have a brief span of life in memory. Sometimes it becomes harder to recollect what was the main essence of that dream. A dream may not get recorded in mind like movies but has greater psychological impact on human mind and activities. 

Since childhood, I have faced many categories of dreams. Somewhere fantasy, desire, aspiration, or any unconscious fear. Some dreams shaped as I grow. It also depends on how much you can connect it with real life. Some dreams become lifelong remembering as if that was a real incident that occurred with me. 

In childhood, ghosts, supernatural powers always hypnotized me. I heard stories about them from family, friends, or others. Most of the time I used to be in a dream, either as an observer or participant, but never felt like it was not realistic. I have also interacted with superhuman and won wars with them like a childhood game. It used to amuse me, how a tiny kid like me can defend myself from those Giants.

Still, I can recall one of my dream, in which I still become part of a game in which I was the target, I had to run and save my life; I run through-plane earth, sand, jungles, mountains and changed location in no time. It was a terrifying experience. 

Sometimes, some of them become as a super interactive and fascinating story. We would never want to end. But they are just mere dreams, creation of subconscious of the human mind.

                                  Signing off - Anand Saini


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