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Power Distribution in society

A common misconception in debates among masses is “Lack of opportunity” or more specifically 

“Some other one stealing theirs”. An imaginary fear of possible deceptiveness exists in their minds.

 Sometimes, their objections seem like a mere lack of - understanding, basic knowledge of

 Contemporary society, and a rigidness to change. He thinks that If there is someone getting 

Something from the state, he/she is extorting my rightful expected fortune through legal ways.

A society, functions by certain groups or a type of people, can’t move further intellectually.

 Every human civilization had social hierarchies but it worked on certain rules and regulations.

An oligarchy never wants to give up their right to rule. 

This system may seem like working on good merits but is ineffective and inefficient morally.

An oppressor group or individual can’t understand the complications, hardships, 

the sorrow of the deprived and discriminated section, and has emotional disconnection with them.

A monarch or a ruler is a single human being, so his/her rule (absolute or partial ) is 

always against the basic rule of equality & equity.

A wrong misconception propagated by these types of rulers is that they are

 the “Choice of God” & God has given them the responsibility of ruling the masses. 

It was a foolish and illogical argument. If everyone is equal before God , 

why would god elect the same person or same group of people to rule. 

It contradicts with the rule of fairness and basic equality in fellow human beings.

Then comes “ Oligarchy”. It proclaims that only specific people belonging to 

“ a certain group” have the right to rule. This group may interpret as “family”, 

“religion”, “caste”, a certain race, or people from a specific place.

Human consciousness is a variable thing. It adapts itself with time and accepts 

a certain thing by heart. But as time progress, the old feudal mindset should change.

 If it is not so, there would be no difference between insects and human beings.

So our national leaders, during “Transfer of Power” to India, had some responsible behavior.

 Then we’re ready to accept changes. Many of them were excellent scholars, thinkers, and 

most importantly sensitiveness for fellow human beings.


For thousands of years, every society had social orders. But an ideal civilization should not 

celebrate a rigid and hard to change the socio-economic structure. Rule and power are the 

main key factors in scaling any society . If its power holders don’t believe in equal and rational

 distribution of power or resources among masses , it leads to social and historical blunders.

Political power and resources are important factors . Many brutal wars were fought for it and

 may time it led to social imbalance .

A united power structure , if rational and democratic in nature , represents every section of society.

 A certain group should not be allowed to encroach ‘beyond their proportional presence .

Sometime , somewhere    power imbalance may result in large rebellion. 

It  created chaos and bloodshed in society.

It is important to note that an alien can’t be elected as human representation of humans . 

So by very same logic , power and resources are subject to equal rational  distribution 


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