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Soul and Reason

 Soul and Reason are two distinct spiritual entities. The soul is a concept of continuous involvement and improvement. When someone thinks about the emergence of the soul, the very first picture that comes to mind is of a fearful, non-visible creature with ill intentions.

Some others may conceptualize the soul as part of the ultimate truth. I relate the truth to the Supreme authority of the most powerful. When people imagine the soul as a moving physical entity but with no shape and size, it becomes problematic and concerning.

 Many traditions around the world believe in different ultimate truths but each of them has its own interpretation about the reasoning of soul and spirit.

 Supreme authority is Supreme, but in what sense? Does it have all the right and power to not only control or manipulate certain incidents but also ensures continuous regular working of the entire spiritual universe? When a human mind imagines any ultimate power, the first picture.   Probably will be like a human-shaped entity with magical powers. Many great philosophies of the recent world believe in masculinity as a powerful entity.

 Although every tradition describes it is very complex and hard to understand manner. A logical question may pop up in your mind “Do creatures other than humans believe in some sort of power of ultimate truth?”

 The soul is in some sense is “part of the process”. When something related to human worsens, they believe in “a chain of cycles a soul travels”. The soul is not proof of life’s fullness in anybody. One can believe that their conception is consciousness. 

But when the inner mind roams around many things. It is the state of absent mind, a condition where one is awake and in complex physical activity, but their attention is absent, lazy mind and improper behavior are the major obstacles in this.

Signing Off - Anand Saini


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